Here we have The X Files theme song. Memeworthy at the worst of times and sure to annoy the hell out of everyone. This version of The X Files theme song was recorded professionally by E.T himself and afterwards he spoke very passionately to me about how much he hated planet Earth. 2 weeks was enough for the poor guy and hes sorry youll have to persist amongst it for 70 odd years.Truth be told what ruined his time was an empty wallet and even worse he says, is that the entire financial system is a completely hollow and fictitious construction of temporarily subtle A.I enslavement. Unfortunately what was once subtle A.I enslavement quickly became blatantly obvious A.I enslavement and as a result of worthwhile experiences being withheld unnecessarily he refused to seek employment until he was lucky enough to leave the planet indefinitely, never to return to such a vile and atrocious piece of software.While E.T has sworn to never return, his memory lives on, suggestively speaking and I have no doubt in my mind that tears will be shed in the coming decades looking back. Mainly tears of envy, as you wish hed taken you with him, leaving the unbalanced and overtedious slave grind the human slave theater software prison experience is built around.To enjoy The X Files Theme Song in its purest form simply press the button and The X Files Theme Song will play. Press the button again and The X Files Theme Song will stop. Pretty straight forward. If E.T could work it out then so can you... and just a reminder that he didnt, instead he left and found something else to do.